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HI! We are Harper and Carrie 

Two besties who ironically found themselves thrown into tsunami divorces within a year of each other.  Through their ups and downs they realized they were not the only ones struggling with a dash of crazy that just wouldn't go away.  So this is their journey back into the single world after two decades of marriage each.


Meet Harper...

Harper Grace is a 40-something mom who finds herself on the single side of marriage - and the happy side of life. She’s one part mom, one part everyone’s friend, two parts adventurer, and a million parts calm and collected. There is no expert side of her - though she’s pretty good at reminding you to look at the positive side of everything. 


Navigating a tsunami divorce wasn’t on Harper’s radar, but she found herself in the middle of it, and has come out the other side stronger, more confident and ready to share her journey into the world of being single. She will share stories, nightmares, ideas, and tips and tricks you NEED to know as you step out into your new life. None of this is rocket science, but she said the old cliche was true, “If I knew then what I know now, my path would have been so much easier”. And, the awesome thing for you is .. she’s going to share the stuff she knows now!


Harper has lots of insight on how to focus on yourself and help you find your way back to the authentic you. She’ll write articles that have strings of faith running through them, as well as some that are admittedly full of the things your momma’s won’t share with you. When her divorce attorney told her she should run classes to help women stay positive and move on, she knew she was doing the right things. We know you’ll love all things Harper - we do too ;)

Meet Carrie...

Carrie Banks is a 40-something work at home mom that was blind-sided in the middle of what should have been the happiest moments of her life. She’s a successful business woman, a fabulous friend, and the one that everyone loves to know.


With the final signature of the judge, the tsunami divorce she was dragged down with for nearly two years is over and behind her. Her ex-husband planned for months, possibly years, every single aspect of the divorce - from the house clean out to the emptying of the bank accounts. He hired, and fired, multiple attorneys in an effort to prolong the process and try to support his own lifestyle.


Carrie has faced her fears navigating this new territory and hopes she can help you find your way as well. Her articles will feature hints about dating after 20+ years of marriage, and include lots of Dos and Dont’s on how to successfully divorce and come out the victor. She’s rocking her “now” and wants to share with you .. I promise, you’ll love her!






*Harper Grace and Carrie Banks are pseudonyms in order to preserve their true identities.


Disclaimer...Two Divorced Girls is intended to share our experiences in the hope of saving others pain and misery.  We are not doctors.  We are not lawyers.  We are not providing professional advice.  If you need professional help, you won't find this here and please look elsewhere. By using this site you  agree not to rely on us for those services that can only be provided by licensed professionals.

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